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Welcome to my portfolio page. Here you will find 5 of my favourite projects showcasing my skills and experience in web application development. This is by no means a complete list but the technologies used include HTML, CSS, JavaScript & Python. Libraries include jQuery and Bootstrap. Frameworks used are Flask and Django. Databases built with PostgreSQL and SQLAlchemy. Platforms used include Heroku, AWS, ElephantSQL and Tembo.


This website built using HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap5. The site also features custom Javascript for the cookie banner, a contact form using the EmailJS API and a Bootstrap5 modal for the 'About 4uxdesign' section. The site is hosted on GitHub Pages with a custom domain name.

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Tracey the Gardengal

This is a rewrite of my first diploma project, a website for my wife's gardening business. Built using HTML5 and CSS3 with the Bootstrap5 library providing the responsive layout. The site is hosted on GitHub Pages with a custom domain name.

Uniquely OT

This website was commissioned by an Occupational Therapy business based in South Africa. Built using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript with Bootstrap5 providing the responsive layout. The site is hosted on GitHub Pages with a custom domain.

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This was the third milestone project for my diploma studies. A full-stack application with a responsive frontend built using HTML5 and Bootstrap5 CSS/Javascript. The backend was built using Python3 and Flask with a PostgreSQL database. The site was hosted on Heroku and the database on ElephantSQL. However as ElephantSQL has now been discontinued the site is no longer live.

The Blue Box Shop

This was the fourth and final project for my diploma studies. A full-stack e-commerce application with a responsive frontend built using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and Bootstrap5 plus jQuery3.7. The backend was built using the Django framework, custom Python3 with a PostgreSQL database. The site featured an online shop with a custom built checkout utilising Stripe for payments. Users had the option to create an account and login to view their order history. A site admin could add, edit and delete products, categories, users and orders. Final deployment was on Heroku, the static images hosted on AWS and the database on The site was live when graded but has since been taken down.

  • The project can be viewed on Github here: Github project page
  • Read about the project build here: Github project README
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